Tuesday, December 8, 2009

15 Weeks to the Shamrock!

As of this past Sunday, the countdown stands at 15 weeks to the Shamrock Marathon. I ran 12 miles again for the 2nd Sunday in a row. This run was a bit harder than last week for some reason, not sure why. I was much more diligent about carbo loading prior to this run, but my legs started to get heavy around the 7-8 mile mark - still not sure why. I did finish the run (without walking!) however.

After reading several articles on this topic and consulting with a West Coast Personal Trainer (WCPT) I happen to know, I've decided to add some resistance/strength training to my marathon preps. I'm going to focus on the upper body mainly, but also do some work on my legs, abs and maybe lower back. My WCPT has laid out some suggested workouts on weight machines and I plan to start those either this week or next. I've already started my abs work (i.e. daily situps!).

Since my last post I have also solidified my "support team" for the Shamrock. I'm happy to report that the "A Team" will be traveling with me to Virgina Beach for the big day. The plane reservations are all made, so we're good to go!

I was not real good about skipping my beer this past week, as a result, this morning I was back up to 201. Must do better this week! The Holidays will be tough with lots of family and friends around.

I plan to keep my long run at either 10 or 12 miles for the remainder of December, then maybe taper for a week prior to the half marathon on January 10th.

Today's Song of the Blog is "Clickity Clack by Dicky Do and The Don'ts".

Ciao - keep runnin!

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