Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Week #3; Day #1

Week 3 kicked off yesterday, I'm a day late posting! I was scheduled to do 5 miles and I did, so I'm still on track. I am scheduled to do 6 tomorrow, but have a commitment, so we'll see. Still trying to wrap up some loose ends from the Estate Sale.

Yesterday was "weigh day" also - as you may recall, I'm trying to lose 7 pounds by race day. I started at 206, then last week was 202.5 - which I felt strongly at the time was too good to be true. Turns out I was right, yesterday I weighed 204.5 - so we'll keep watching and hope a positive, downward trend develops.

Because it's late (I just got home) and I've got stuff to do, I will forgo today's "lesson". However, the "Song of the Blog" for today is Who Knew by Pink. Uh huh, that's right...

Sorry for the brevity - although you probably enjoy that for a change! More tomorrow!

Ciao for now...


  1. Hey, I know a really good personal trainer in Southern California who can help you lose those pounds by race day ;-) I think you might know her!!! She's pretty awesome. Just wanted to say "hi!" from a fellow marathoner. You can check out my blog here: Keep posting! Hope you had a good 6!

  2. Hi Ms 623!

    Awesome blog - you've obviously been at this a while! I agree that personal trainer you mentioned is pretty awesome - but she needs to move back down South! Thanks for making contact!

